Contrary to popular belief by certain folks that most people in the military joined because they were stupid, we in fact never stop learning. Sure it's not quantum physics or abstract art, but we do learn how to better handle situations and lead. It almost seems like an instantaneous switch when you're put in charge of people. I think most of it comes from the fact that it's now your responsibility to get things done and you don't want to go back to those above you and have to explain why it isn't.
Kind of a trial by fire situation. If you play with fire, you're going to get burned. Usually you get the detail done and with very minor burns. Suffice it to say by the time someone gets out of the Army they'll know how to take charge and get the job done.
Rob - that's awesome. Glad you're seeing positive growth that encourages you. We respect your decision to join the military and are thankful for all you do - and are willing to do. It's a big deal.
Would'ja come on? Nice photo - I still have this and the others we loaded onto my computer. So when you get out, does that mean you will have full armor and wield a mighty sword? :-b
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