It's about time that the major car manufacturers are starting to design cool looking cars that get good gas milage. Chevy just came out with a concept vehicle called the volt, and I'm on board. I'm tired of the idea that an electric car has to look like an egg with wheels. It also helps the idea of selling this country on getting more out of our energy consumption.
Everyone that knows me knows that I'm no tree hugger, but I'm also not stupid. If a beautiful car can get twice the gas milage of an ugly one, why wouldn't I buy it? Part of the problem with moving to an eco-friendly economy is that it isn't cool. When all cars are electric, or close, the only choice will be based on what people want in their automobiles, pretty much like it is now.
However, if car companies want to gain that edge on the competition now then they need to start giving consumers something they'll want to drive now, not because they're helping the environment but because the car is cool. Let's start making saving energy stylish. Maybe the Liberals would get more people on their side.
lol - egg on wheels. That is so true.
Look out, you've watched Gore's movie; now you're a closet 'liberal' waiting to happen... ;-)
Hey - Happy New Year! Ya still out there?? :-)
I look to the day when electric/corn-ethanol cars will become the darlings of the auto industry. It's actually a short leap; cars almost started as alcohol-fueled before Standard Oil threw their hat in the ring.
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