What is it about the end of the weekend in the military that frustrates us so much? It is the promise of Physical Training coming the next day. The bulk of injuries in the Army appear to be focused on the legs. Not really a surprise to someone whose leg won’t heal because he is constantly on them running and marching. Does anyone in the military hierarchy think that maybe we shouldn’t be running so much?
I understand that we need to keep physically fit but how about in moderation? To those who would join the military later in life, make sure you can do a lot of running. PT is the white noise of military life, the constant, even above deploying and getting shot at.
The PT in the morning is pretty much the main reason I will not be re-inlisting. My old body can’t keep up with those who are younger or who have spent their entire lives in the Army.
Sounds rough. Tried running once - for 6 months or so. Liked it and found (ironically) it gave extra energy. But mine was DEFINITELY in moderation. Like walk 30 seconds, run 30 seconds... on Tuesdays and Thursdays. :-) What doesn't kill you might still wreck your knees, right? Good for you though, Rob - keep plugging - you can do it!
I often felt that the army focused too much on PT, especially the run. My answer was to rebel in the form of long-distance running. When I went to DLI for Persian Farsi I ran 5/8/5/5/13 mile days and rested on the weekends. I maxed the APFT for 22 year old men and ended up being forced to join the company running team.
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