Barracks living is in many aspects worse than living in an apartment. In fact it’s kind of like living in a college dorm where most people are there to have fun and not to learn. I have no problem with people wanting to have fun, but when I’m trying to sleep at two in the morning the music and drinking get a little out of hand.
Having a place to rest and recover is important. One needs to be able to get away from everyone once in a while, especially when you spend nearly 24 hours a day with them. I’d move off post if it weren’t so convenient to be in the barracks. I’m already here and don’t have to waste time driving off post.
Sometimes being in the military is truly a surrendering of freedoms. I’ll be glad to get mine back.
I envision you standing in the middle of your barracks, arms raised, yelling "SERENITY NOW!!!!" a la Frank Costanza. Then you can show them how to celebrate Festivus.
Does KN stand for a formerly pony-tailed guy who used to work at US Bank?? If so, HI THERE! It's reunion time on Rob's blog! :-)
Rob, I honestly don't know how you do it. Do you have access to any earplugs at least? I wear them when we go camping with our friends and the other guy snores really loud (enough to be heard from a different room - or tent)... Maybe you could wear them around while awake to block out some of the craziness.
Good thing I have Ed to explain obscure Seinfeld references to me - I must have missed that episode. ;-)
Sometimes even the ipod's not enough. Happy Festivus everyone!
Precious little serenity in the barracks; especially when you can hear 82d Divarty firing night missions. At least there's no rent or utilities...have you tried nature sound cd's?
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